"In summation:For those of you unaware of the word "kaffir," it is originally an Arabic word (كافر, transliterated as 'kafir') meaning "infidel," "faithless," or "unbeliever." It's historic use has been for anything and everything non-Abrahimic, non-Muslim, and has even been used to describe some Muslims who just weren't awesome enough.
Knock off the use of n----r, use Kaffir instead. "
It's use has been enthusiastically picked up by the South Africans (adding a second "f"), Kings of Equal Opportunity that they are, and been recycled and loaned to Afrikaans and recently to English as a new, hip form of "nigger" to sling at anyone of a dark complexion you don't like but can't state any specific grievance against.
Arthur's Hall has been slowly and steadily infiltrated by the lowest of the low, to include Skinhead Fucks, Stormfront Pukes, and Neo-Nazi Assholes. There's been all sorts of n00bz with names along the line of "Germanic_________Machine," "Austrian________Killer," "__________MachineOfDeath," and avatars of SS insignia and supremacist figureheads. Real original stuff, I know. If you visit the site now, and do a search of "Jew," "Zion," or "Kaffir," the results are likely to turn your stomach.
Feeling the creative juices stir, I can't help but try to right the wrongs that I've seen on my beloved interwebz site. Somebody on the Internet is wrong, and I must rectify the situation!
I decide the best course of action is sarcasm, piss, bile, and biting wit:
"Foolproof! Between the racist fucks here doing the 'ol switcheroo, and the Taliban using the coverterm "wood" for rockets (as in "Habib, put the wood on the donkey, and bring it to me so we may shoot it at the base and kill the Americans.) nobody will ever be the wiser.Stunner punched and mouth agape at having somebody potentially white disagree with him, the Nazi Stormtrooper's first reaction is to try to defer and defuse the situation. I mean, they've been throwing the K-word around for quite awhile now, and nobody's said shit. This guy's small fish compared to many of the other people using this word, so it seems kinda unfair he should be the one called upon to defend his pejorative racism, am I right?![]()
It's been really grand seeing "kaffir" phased in while the n-bomb is phased out and all the doc-martin wearing, stormfront wanna-be's giggle in the corner, thinking they're just being sooooooo fucking clever. Nobody's noticed the transliteration of the Arab word being plugged in and used in the exact same context as "nigger." Keep up the good work guy, I'm thinking next y'all should start subbing in "shylock" or "big nose" for "jew."
A bunch of modern-day Wind Talkers up in here, I tell ya what. Where's Nicholas Cage?"
"The reality is that only South Africans and members of this forum know what that term means."Well thank God for the internet, right? There's no fucking way that somebody could ever possibly see the word used as "To them any crack ho kaffir sow with nigglets constitutes a 'family'," (verbatim from The Hall) "Given a no-way-out choice, what would you rather fuck? 1 - An average kaffir chick. 2 - A latina chick with a mega-fucked up face and a stinky pussy. 3 - A white midget with VD." This was written by a major contributor to The Hall, and host of the "Fosgail Caith" webradio program, which has tiraded against jews and black in the past. The Hall's founder, Arthur replied he'd prefer have sex with a white chick with a VD. The site is very heavy on hyperbole and sarcam, however. My main point here is the word "kaffir's" uber-secret usage, as a code word that nobody could EVER figure out.
Regardless of prior usage, somebody else on the site (a real cool cat, in my humble opinion) pitches in:
"Or anybody that's seen Lethal Weapon 2."To which we get the reply:
We aren't coming up as a result on a Google search for it, I checked.Well thank God for that, eh? Imagine if we HAD used the word so often that The Hall came up on a Google search for random racial slur words. I think we'd have to set it as a collective mission to out-do Stormfront.org in order to achieve that beauty!
Call a random black person a kaffir and you will be met with puzzlement.
I bring up the word's prior usage, and the obvious context of the word's usage to which I am rewarded with the uber-eloquent:
"I don't think that matters.At this point, the thread is locked by The Hall's resident eugenicist and genocide advocate "MotivationMan," A.K.A. "Bill Kephart," A.K.A. "The Most Unnecessarily Narcissistic Guy in the Universe." Why, do you ask? Well, I wish he would tell us why:
Also, choke on a dick."
"Just so I can have the last word:Well, thanks, I guess.
I don't use kaffir because it is less offensive than nigger. I use it because it is more offensive.
Kaffir implies soulless animal, worthless sub human creature not even fit to be a slave. If you look at the etymology it is basically the worst thing you can call a person."
It went into a lengthy messaging session after the lock, with me and my being right, and the other guy with his being wrong, and admitting it in slow spurts. A few highlights:
They don't need to be drawn to the forum by the word Kaffir in order to see it being used as a simple plug-n-play option in lieu of "nigger."
That doesn't matter.
Where are you from? I am guessing there aren't many black people.
...I grew up in rural Nebraska, away from black people. I had one in my highschool, and one on a rival highschool football team... How the hell does my growing up in a rural place away from blacks make me any less right, and you any less wrong?
It doesn't make you any more wrong or me any less right. It does indicate that you are very likely ignorant of them and their culture. Wanna know what it would take for you to become racist if you moved to a city that was 50% black? 2 weeks.
Using the equivalent of the term "nigger" to sit around and rip on black people is a bad thing unless you want Arthur's Hall to be more like Stormfront.org. Nazis and White Supremacists are socialists by the way.
I'm the one using facts and logic, you thick moron. All you've done for the last 3 I.M.s is say "I don't think so" and think your OPINION is trumping my experience and fact. Jog off, fuck stick.
I'd venture to say I know quite a bit more about black culture than you do. You see, that's what happens when you don't go around calling them "niggers" and "kaffirs" and actually interact with them. Your argument is tantamount (that means "equal" or "the same as" by the way) to saying I don't know how to swim because I'm not from somewhere near a body of water, or I don't know what Heavy Metal is because there's no Heavy Metal bands from Nebraska. There were refugees from Liberia in my town, and I hung out with that one black kid in my highschool, who moved there from the Bahamas his senior year. I've lived the last 3 years in Savannah, Georgia, for Christ's sakes. I've been living and working with every color of the rainbow for the last 7 years of my life, you ignorant fuck. Hell, we have this thing called the INTERNET where you can research things, and not just look at porn and download e-copies of "Mein Kampf" and "The Turner Diaries." Imagine that!
Overt racial prejudice is just one of the many facets of Arthur's Hall. Like you say white supremacists are socialists. They wouldn't care for our libertarian/atheistic tendencies. Besides, Shatner dials back that stuff back when it gets out of hand. You are exaggerating how much Kaffir is used on this site.
Pretty obvious you that don't know what you are talking about. I can help educate you though.
12% of the US is black, while 44% of our prison population is black.
After digesting that FACT, take a look at the national IQ map on this page:
BTW, I am not a white supremacist or Nazi.
Yes, statistically speaking they're more likely to be criminals. That means... What exactly? We live in a free society (for now) where you still have to commit a crime to be locked away in prison. Criminals go to jail, law abiding citizens don't. I think we can both agree to that.
Are you saying that the blacks not in prison are somehow defective or inferior? Does this (apparent) insight into the 12%/44% anomaly make you more knowledgeable than I about blacks by some sort of joo magick? Above all, I'm just wondering what the fuck you're trying to get at.
Also, get some hard numbers, because looking at percentages like that are exactly what stormfront.org wants you to do. They say that true statistics never lie, but liars will almost always use true statistics.
What I am getting at is that, blacks are genetically driven towards crime and stupidity.
...and you're not a white supremacist, you say?
If hating blacks makes you a white supremacist, then I suppose so.
So let me get this straight, you believe all races are equal?
Don't make it seem like I'm the one labeling you as a white supremacist. By your own admission, you believe blacks are far more likely to be in prison than whites. Unless you're indifferent or believe convicts are better people than non-convicts, that makes you believe that whites are superior to blacks. The textbook definition of a White Supremacist. You've also said you hate blacks, so you're also prejudiced and/or a hate monger. Wonderful. We've beaten around the bush about me, and what I think when all of this has been triggered about you, your use of pejorative terms, and the fact that you're a black-hating white supremacist. At least you're out of the closet now.
As for me, fuck no I don't think that all races are equal. If we were well and truly equal, we wouldn't be a different race now would we? (And you keep saying you're not thick...) Did I ever say that I thought we were all equal? I don't recall ever saying that, and I would appreciate it if you could find where you think I said that.
Now that we've established that I'm right, and you're wrong, I'm willing to accept your apology.
Man, it sure is a real burn, being right all the time!
Do you think that blacks are genetically inferior to whites or Asians? As far as intelligence and criminality.
That's the long and short of it. It's not that the idiots argue like Democrats, it's that Democrats argue like idiots, because this guy claims to be a Libertarian. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get him out of the "the closet" on his socialist ideals as well...Inferior is a subjective term, and in your case, and attempt at a trap. You're using the basis of criminality and intelligence to determine overall superiority and if I were to agree with you, you'd spring forth with an "ah ha! you're a white supremacist too!" Despite this being a logical ad hominem fallacy, as proving me a hypocrite does nothing to spurn the fact that you've been wrong, and I've been right this whole, big, long, convoluted PM session, it would probably make you feel better.
Here's what I'm going to say to your stupid fucking question: criminality is subjective. If I had my way, abortion doctors and the women getting elective abortions would be in jail for murder as well. Drug dealers with no other charges would be released and set free. People in prison for felonious possession of controlled substances and non-violent weapons charges (Class III, concealed carry without a permit, while intoxicated, etc) would be released as well.
Intelligence is also subjective to a degree. Some people and even some cultures are very good at math and terrible at music, despite music being a derivative function of math expressed though an auditory medium. Other people are wonderful at music, and terrible at math. Tomas Haake of Meshuggah would be a rocket scientist if the two were mutually intelligible. You're using a standardized IQ test again as your basis for inferiority. I'll give a bunch of chinese rocket scientists the IQ test in english and come to the conclusion that they are all severely retarded, because they couldn't even spell their names right, for frak's sake!
That would skew all the numbers, and your beloved "white is right" statistics up.
You're pretty much asking me which of the 3 races are more attractive, and I'm saying "no." Just to clarify, for you, because I think you're going to have a hard time interpreting what I just wrote up there.
And I'm still waiting on that apology.
Until next time, Harden The Fuck Up America!
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