These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or sarcasm. All this while doing my part to fight the Fascists.
Here we're going to do a quick look at an idiot who quite obviously started his blogging out of frustration at the Bush regime (see his summary about bitching about the government) and distrust of said government. Now that his boy is in office, the government is suddenly not only to be trusted, but it's to be our vewy bestest fwiend! Check out the following comments:
- I know. My spouse has been out of work for a year and a half, and I say "Fuck them!" I hope people remember this during election time.
- I know what you and Mr RK are going through, RK. Mrs GE has been out of work two weeks short of a year, and her unemployment will run out then. I've been laid off since Dec 3, 2009 and ran out of UC the end of May. All this with no end in sight. I don't know what we will do when my wife's UC runs out, probably lose the house.
The Republicans are evil because they're not stealing enough money, and giving it to these two asshats! It's very entertaining to see two unproductive morons whining and griping over the interwebz about how they're entitled to a guaranteed income while apparently only one out of the 4 people in the bitch session are employed. It can't be all that bad, Grandpa Eddie apparently isn't worrying about losing his house enough to cancel his internet. A 10 spot says he gets more than 3 channels on his TV as well...
...oh, almost forgot, despite being able to ram through healthcare "reform" without any Republican support, those evil Republithugs are somehow the only thing standing between these losers and the Cash Bunny. It's fun to pretend isn't it?
But enough about this one posting from the gainfully unemployed Grandpa Eddie. He's got a few more real gems in store for us:
1) Perversion of labels and affiliations to pejorative terms. Use of the term "teabaggers," "Fukz Newz," and "Rethuglicans." I find it insulting enough to refer to people as "Liberals" or "Democrats" and sometimes "Republicans." Once again, the arguments hinge upon turning labels generalizing core political beliefs and stances on issues into something the childish mind finds amusing and may laugh about.
2) It's only OK when we do it! When "progressives," "liberals," or "democrats"expand governmental power, it's OK. We're making strides towards the future! (comrade!) HOWEVER, whenever anything or anyone "right wing" tries to increase their power or influence it suddenly turns into "tyrrany," "fascism," and he even starts throwing around the term "fuhrer" to describe the leadership of people he doesn't agree with, but have made nowhere near the power grab his once-beloved Obama has.
3) Portrayal of the U.S. Military as "terrorists." I dunno what the hell it is, but it seems to be a very common thread in the line of left-leaning thought to despise the people who stand up and defend the country, and safeguard the very rights they love to use to trounce service members.
4) "I'm a unique and special fucking snowflake." Epic poems that smack of "TL:DR," entitlement syndrome (see posting about Republithugs being evil for not handing him cash). Everybody ought to work hard and pay taxes so that he can reap enough unemployment benefits to foot the bill for his internet fees and house payments...
5) Right Wingers are racists and Bush is the cause of all problems. From the dude's epic poem:
Foulmouthed frauds and rabid racists never see. How Bush took us to the brink, the loss of prosperity. They’d rather heap blame on the new-sworn black man, Regurgitating lies about birth, gays and god they can.
The guy's also probably not also an atheist (nothing wrong with that), but he's probably one of those asshole virulent atheists who hates evangelical religious people, but will stop at nothing to tell you about how your religion is a sham, and you're an idiot for thinking anything happens after you die.
6) The belief that only "Rethuglicans" have special interests on Wall Street.
(got to love the irony on that last picture, with his being an Obama supporter, and all)
OK, I gotta wrap this up at some point, because I could just go down the line and point out one stupid hypocrisy and contradiction after another. The whole blog can pretty much be summed up in one giant "IT'S ONLY OK WHEN WE DO IT, NOW GIVE ME HEALTHCARE AND UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS."
So, in closing, I just posit this question: Why all the self-deception? The guy's self-description of the blog labels himself as attempting to stay "moderate" yet all he does is rant and rave about "The Right Wingers," and complain about President Obama, by far the most hardline leftist and socialist President we've ever had being too moderate himself. As a leftist is it a common thing to never undergo self-scrutiny, believing oneself a good, tolerant, progressive, all the while not tolerating any disagreement or differing views while touting the old-world values of the U.S.S.R.? Just wondering...
Dude needs to Harden The Fuck Up.
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